Racism and discrimination have proven negative impacts on mental and physical health, and when racism is experienced in the health care system, it can have additional harms. South Eastern Sydney Local Health District (SESLHD) is committed to deliver systemic change through the Addressing Racism Strategy to support diversity, inclusion and belonging for staff, patients, volunteers, and visitors. As part of this strategy, SESLHD hosted a Research to Practice Forum on Addressing Racism in the Health Care System – Actions for Equity and Cultural Safety on Thursday 23 May 2024 at the NSW Teachers Federation Conference Centre.


Keynote speaker:

Racism, anti-racism, health and well-being

Professor Kevin Dunn, Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, Western Sydney University and Associate Professor Nida Denson, Associate Dean Higher Degree Research, Western Sydney University


Professor Kevin Dunn, Pro-Vice Chancellor Research, Western Sydney University and Associate Professor Nida Denson, Associate Dean Higher Degree Research, Western Sydney University


Keynote speaker:

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander perspectives on racism in health care and health systems – what does the research say?

Associate Professor Michelle Dickson, Director, The Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, University of Sydney

Associate Professor Michelle Dickson, Director, The Poche Centre for Indigenous Health, University of Sydney


The South Eastern Sydney LHD Addressing Racism Strategy

Margo Green, Program Manager, Multicultural Health, Equity and Prevention Service, South Eastern Sydney LHD

Margo Green, Program Manager, Multicultural Health, Equity and Prevention Service, South Eastern Sydney LHD


Elevating Aboriginal Health in South Western Sydney LHD

Jemma Milloy, Deputy Director, Aboriginal Health, South Western Sydney LHD


Mid North Coast LHD Commitment to Preventing Racism

Hayley Owen, Diversity, Equity and Inclusion Manager, Mid North Coast LHD


Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD’s approach to Racism. It Stops With Me.

Nina Kenny, Workplace Advisor, Illawarra Shoalhaven LHD.


The Cultural Safety Gap.

Helen Macukewicz, Professional Officer, NSW Nurses and Midwives’ Association.


Ethical storytelling and addressing racism in health care.

Doug Cronin and Jen Johannesen, Our Race

For further information on the Research to Practice Forum, please contact SESLHD Multicultural Health at SESLHD-MHSAdmin@health.nsw.gov.au