Project name

Multicultural Youth COVID-19 Ambassadors Project


MHCS Youth Ambassadors



Research has shown young people to be significantly impacted by COVID-19, especially socially and economically (COVID-19 and the impact on young people, AIHW, 2021).

The NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS) identified an opportunity to support young people from culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) backgrounds through the development of a COVID-19 social media campaign using a co-design approach.

This social media campaign  will showcase videos in English and in-language produced in collaboration with the youth ambassadors on platforms that are relatable and engaging to a diverse range of young people from CALD backgrounds.

Aims and Objectives

The aim of the project is to increase health literacy around COVID-19 amongst young people from culturally and linguistically diverse backgrounds.

The objectives of the project are to increase knowledge and skills of young people to have meaningful conversations with their peers, family and community networks around COVID-19 information and available supports.

Media Release


Social Media


Partners and funding

The Multicultural Youth COVID-19 Ambassadors Project is led by NSW MHCS in partnership with the NSW Ministry of Health.

Links to resources

Have you postponed your booster due to work or study?

A face mask is part of my outfit, something that keeps me warm this winter, whilst hiding my moustache.

Living away from your loved ones is incredibly tough. But what I found tougher is fighting COVID all alone.


Jocelyn - Safety TikTok


 Key Contact

Gaya Dharmagesan