
Multicultural Health Week has been held annually since 2009 to raise awareness of health issues experienced by culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) communities and ways of addressing these issues. Multicultural Health Week is funded by the NSW Ministry of Health (MoH) and coordinated by the NSW Multicultural Health Communication Service (MHCS).

The theme for 2020 is: Health Literacy and Safe Use of Medicines. Extension of the Health Literacy theme allows for MHCS and key stakeholders to build upon work undertaken in 2018 and 2019.

This year’s Multicultural Health Week runs from 7 to 11 September with the launch to be held on 7 September 2020 through a digital platform.


Multicultural Health Week 2020 Launch


 Ms Elizabeth Koff, Secretary for Health – Video message to launch Multicultural Health Week 2020



Four resources will be developed this year, they are:

Useful Resources


Media Release: Multicultural Health Week 2020 - Safe Use of Medicine


Safe Medicines Campaign launch - SBS World News coverage