Heart Health

The Heart Health Campaign targeting multicultural communities continues its successful run in 2016.

In partnership with the Heart Foundation, MHCS has been running the Heart Health Campaign for 4 years developing effective multimedia resources in multiple languages to promote key messages for communities to prevent serious heart disease.

The campaign was initiated in 2012 in collaboration with the Multicultural Health Service Illawarra Shoalhaven Local Health District targeting the Cantonese, Mandarin, Macedonian and Spanish speaking communities in NSW by promoting important tips on knowing the warnings signs of a heart attack.

In Australia, cardiovascular disease (CVD) is a major cause of death. Cardiovascular disease kills one Australian every 12 minutes. 43,603 deaths were attributed to CVD in Australia in 2013.

In 2015, we extended the promotion of the heart health messages to Chinese communities in Victoria where we ran an extensive multimedia plan with print, radio and social media advertisements for 4 months. We had wonderful support from Chinese speaking health professionals happily agreed to speak on radio programs to educate the community about how to keep their heart healthy.

Chinese women’s ad


Men’s Chinese Ad

Men’s Chinese Ad

This year, we have added the Arabic community to the line-up of language groups for the campaign spreading the messages to Sydney and Melbourne residents through print, radio and social media promotion.

We are developing short video messages from Chinese and Arabic doctors to delivering importance advice in English, Cantonese, Mandarin and Arabic about why it is important for everyone to know about the risk factors and whether there is a family history of heart disease.

MHCS hopes to reach more Chinese and Arabic speakers in NSW and VIC through social media platforms with our audio and visual resources. We are also featuring video highlights of information sessions by the Heart Foundation in partnership with community organisations such as the Chinese Australian Society Services (CASS).

We believe that this media and communication approach will help extend the key messages to the communities so that they can also re-share and re-post the tips on keeping the heart healthy to their friends and families.

Visit our MHCS Facebook Page https://www.facebook.com/mhcsnsw to keep updated on our upcoming activities and new audio visual resources. Help us spread healthy heart messages to multicultural communities!