
Over 400 people from the Indian community in Sydney gathered together on March 12th to watch an outstanding stage play about love, loss and life. This community led initiative was written and produced by members of the Indian-Australian community.

The production ‘Life Changes’ was presented by the NSW Indian Welfare Association as part of its activities in support of the cause ‘Jeevan Dhan’ (Donate Life). The event was conducted with funding from the Organ and Tissue Donation Service (OTDS) and the Community Migrant Resource Centre.

MHCS played a major part in promoting ‘Life Changes’ to media, health and community networks in support of the Organ and Tissue Donation Multicultural Campaign.

The stage play written by Kalpana Kashyap was aimed at raising awareness about organ and tissue donation amongst the Indian speaking communities in NSW. Organ and tissue donation saves and transforms lives – one donor can save up to 10 lives and improve the lives of many more. The story showcased just how organ and tissue donation can touch so many live in numerous ways.

It was a night of drama and education with speeches from health professionals and personal accounts from families touched by organ and tissue donation. Dr Deepak Bhonagiri, Intensive Care Specialist, Liverpool Hospital enlightened the audience about how the importance of organ and tissue donations by showcasing how hospitals cope with the procedures.

One of the highlights of the evening was a video presentation about the extraordinary story of 7 year old boy Deeyan Udani, who became the youngest donor of multiple organs. He was visiting India with his family when he died in a Mumbai hospital after suffering from a brain clot. Despite the tragedy, Deeyan gave a new lease of life to four critically ill patients, three of whom are minors.

Australia is a world leader in successful transplant outcomes but there are about 1600 on waiting list at any time. The NSW 2015 organ donation outcome of 127 deceased donors was the state’s highest ever number of organ donors. In 2015, there were 379 organs transplanted in NSW, with over 350 transplant recipients.


‘Life Changes’ used the power of visual arts to relay the key message to the audience that night to start having conversations with their families and make informed choices and consider becoming organ and tissue donors – to save lives. The people cheered, they cried and also laughed, but overall they were touched by the wonderful portrayal of the talented cast that delivered such a powerful story on stage.

 All the audience members filled in a survey to provide feedback on Deevan Jhan initiative. MHCS is analyzing the results of the survey to be available in the next edition of Polyglot.

 There are 3 ways to register your decision regarding organ donation on the Australian Organ Donor Register:

  • To register online visit
  • call 1800 777 203
  • fill out a form at any Medicare office

Local GPs may also have registration forms. Only people aged 16 years or older can register their organ donation decision on the register.

 If a person has previously registered their decision by ticking a box on their driver’s licence renewal, it is important they also register on the Australian Organ Donor Register, as it is the only national register and details can be linked to their Medicare number.