Why has my baby been referred directly for a diagnostic audiology assessment?
Information from the NSW Statewide Infant Screening-Hearing (SWISH) Program for parents whose baby was found to be not eligible for screening, and referred directly for a diagnostic assessment.
Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) fact-sheet
Fact sheet on the use of electroconvulsive therapy (ECT)
Multicultural Mental Health Resources
Mental health Information resources in language
Peanut allergy fact sheet
Information for parents abour peanut allergy in children.
Statewide Eyesight Preschooler Screening (StEPS) brochure
The StEPS brochure explains why children should have their vision screened before they start school and how children can access the StEPS program and have their vision screened for free before they start school.
Why does my baby need a repeat hearing screen?
Information for parents on why their baby needs a repeat hearing test.
Why does my baby need a hearing screen?
The NSW Statewide Infant Screening – Hearing (SWISH) Program aims to identify babies born with significant hearing loss and introduce them to appropriate services as soon as possible. This fact sheet is prepared for parents to explain the importance of having a hearing check for their baby.
Privacy Leaflet for Patients
Leaflet explaining why the NSW Health Service collects information about patients (e.g. test results) to help provide the best care. Includes information about how the privacy of these records is protected, and how patients can access their medical records.
Smoking and pregnancy
A guide to the effects of tobacco smoke on unborn babies, including information on how to quit smoking.
Cue cards
‘Cue Cards’ is a resource developed by Eastern Health, Diversity and Inclusion, to assist health professionals and clients / carers who have English language difficulties or problems communicating with each other.