Palliative Care
Information about palliative care - services for people who have an illness for which a cure is not possible.
Cue cards
‘Cue Cards’ is a resource developed by Eastern Health, Diversity and Inclusion, to assist health professionals and clients / carers who have English language difficulties or problems communicating with each other.
Nocturia - Going to the Toilet at Night
This brochure explains what nocturia is and how it affects older women and men. It describes common causes, how they can be treated and where you can get help. * This brochure explains what nocturia is and how it affects older women and men. It describes common causes, how they can be treated and where you can get help.
Continence Products
Continence products are used to manage the symptoms of poor bladder and bowel control. This brochure outlines the types of products that are available and what to consider when choosing a continence product. * Continence products are used to manage the symptoms of poor bladder and bowel control. This brochure outlines the types of products that are available and what to consider when choosing a continence product.
Overactive bladder and urgency
This brochure explains how bladder training can help with better bladder control and stop urine leaking. It also offers advice on bladder management and where to get help. * This brochure explains how bladder training can help with better bladder control and stop urine leaking. It also offers advice on bladder management and where to get help.
This brochure explains what a prolapse is and how it can affect women. It outlines what signs to look for and how it can be prevented and treated. * This brochure explains what a prolapse is and how it can affect women. It outlines what signs to look for and how it can be prevented and treated.
Incontinence Information
This video explains what incontinence is, what the risk factors are for incontinence, and provides details to call the National Continence Helpline where a Continence Nurse Advisor will speak to you. If English is not your preferred language, first call the national interpreter service TIS on 131 450, say the language you want to speak in, and ask them to call the Helpline on1800 33 00 66. This is a free call from a land line and the interpreter service is free.
Mental Health and COVID-19
Look after your mental health during the COVID-19 (coronavirus) pandemic
Expecting a Baby
This brochure explains how women are at risk of bladder and bowel control problems during pregnancy and after childbirth. Find out if you are at risk and what you can do about strengthening weak pelvic floor muscles.
Bedwetting in Teenagers and Young Adults
This brochure talks about bedwetting and how it can be a problem for teenagers and young adults. Find out what can be done and where to go to for help.