Caring for your Cannula
Caring for your cannula is a resource designed to address common questions about cannulas.
Bladder diary
Summary of the resource: Incontinent pelvic floor patients are asked to complete a bladder diary to assist their physiotherapist devise a treatment plan and monitor their progress. The ‘Bladder Diary’ resource is a form that can be completed for this purpose to monitor fluid intake and urinary output.
Newborn screening: Tests to protect your baby
Information for parents about routine testing of newborn babies to detect a number of rare disorders.
When to come to hospital in labour
When to Come to Hospital in Labour is essential to ensure women are aware in advance of who to contact, when and why to come to hospital, and the signs of labour. It also provides information to ensure timely access to care, especially if complications arise.
Chickenpox and shingles
Information about chickenpox, a common viral infection that can reappear later in life as shingles.
Sexually Transmissible Infections Multilingual Glossary
A list of 28 sexually transmissible infections and sexual health terms in 17 languages for use by interpreters and other staff as necessary working in sexual health.
Multicultural Mental Health Resources
Mental health Information resources in language
Tuberculosis fact sheets and patient information in other languages
Information about tuberculosis (TB), including causes, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Help for you and your family after disasters
Most people experience acute stress during events of natural disaster or large scale acts of violence, and most manage with courage and strength.
Meningococcal Disease
Information about meningococcal disease, an uncommon but serious disease, which is more likely to affect small children, adolescents and young adults. Includes symptoms, prevention and treatment.