Interpreter Required Card
Use the Interpreter required card to book a professional Interpreter in the hospital.
When to come to hospital in labour
When to Come to Hospital in Labour is essential to ensure women are aware in advance of who to contact, when and why to come to hospital, and the signs of labour. It also provides information to ensure timely access to care, especially if complications arise.
Mosquito borne diseases
Detections of mosquito-borne diseases have been reported in NSW this year. Now that some mosquitoes carry viruses that can make you really sick, it's more important than ever to continue to protect yourself from bites - Spray up, Cover up, Screen up and Clean up! For more information,
Celebrate Culture Through Movement: Every Move Counts
This resource aims to help keep people healthy and well by encouraging people to move their bodies. Every move counts in increasing participation in the recommended levels of physical activity.
How to Brush
A brochure with brushing instructions and tips. Includes the NSW Public Dental Service contact number.
Mental Health Care for Immigrants
Information that might be useful to help you identify if you, or someone you know, needs help with mental health and to find treatment options.
Multicultural Mental Health Resources
Mental health Information resources in language
What to Bring to Hospital when Having a Baby
What to bring to hospital when having a baby details what families need to organise so their partner/ support person feel prepared and are as comfortable as possible for their hospital stay.
How to keep your teeth Healthy
Information about how to keep your teeth healthy
Public Dental Services in NSW
Information on accessing public dental services in NSW