Teach your baby to drink from a cup
A guide to help parents to teach their baby to drink from a cup (6 to 18 months)
When to come to hospital in labour
When to Come to Hospital in Labour is essential to ensure women are aware in advance of who to contact, when and why to come to hospital, and the signs of labour. It also provides information to ensure timely access to care, especially if complications arise.
NSW Health Care System Information Booklet
This booklet provides essential information about the public health care system in NSW. Topics include: how to call an ambulance, what Medicare can be used for, how to get medications in Australia, and how to see a specialist. It also describes key health services in NSW, and much more.
Postnatal Cue Cards
Cue cards as a paper resource for CALD women, Midwives and Doctors to use on the postnatal ward when an interpreter is unavailable
Keeping teeth Healthy fact sheet
This factsheet includes information on how to keep your teeth healthy.
Contraception After You Have Had a Baby
Contraception After You Have Had a Baby. This resource summarises options for suitable contraception after giving birth, including suitable options for breastfeeding mothers. Translations of these resources were funded through Multicultural Health Funding Program 2017-2018
What to Bring to Hospital when Having a Baby
What to bring to hospital when having a baby details what families need to organise so their partner/ support person feel prepared and are as comfortable as possible for their hospital stay.
Why does my baby need a repeat hearing screen?
Information for parents on why their baby needs a repeat hearing test.
Why does my baby need a hearing screen?
The NSW Statewide Infant Screening – Hearing (SWISH) Program aims to identify babies born with significant hearing loss and introduce them to appropriate services as soon as possible. This fact sheet is prepared for parents to explain the importance of having a hearing check for their baby.
There is no place for domestic and family violence in Australia
This poster aims to raise awareness of DFV in newly arrived women from refugee backgrounds and encourages them to seek support. The poster resource is an interactive poster which is intended for display at services which will allow them to put in their service information, including name and phone number.