Celebrate Culture Through Movement: Every Move Counts
This resource aims to help keep people healthy and well by encouraging people to move their bodies. Every move counts in increasing participation in the recommended levels of physical activity.
What to Bring to Hospital when Having a Baby
What to bring to hospital when having a baby details what families need to organise so their partner/ support person feel prepared and are as comfortable as possible for their hospital stay.
Mental Health Care for Immigrants
Information that might be useful to help you identify if you, or someone you know, needs help with mental health and to find treatment options.
When to come to hospital in labour
When to Come to Hospital in Labour is essential to ensure women are aware in advance of who to contact, when and why to come to hospital, and the signs of labour. It also provides information to ensure timely access to care, especially if complications arise.
There is no place for domestic and family violence in Australia
This poster aims to raise awareness of DFV in newly arrived women from refugee backgrounds and encourages them to seek support. The poster resource is an interactive poster which is intended for display at services which will allow them to put in their service information, including name and phone number.
Contraception After You Have Had a Baby
Contraception After You Have Had a Baby. This resource summarises options for suitable contraception after giving birth, including suitable options for breastfeeding mothers. Translations of these resources were funded through Multicultural Health Funding Program 2017-2018
NSW Health Care System Information Booklet
This booklet provides essential information about the public health care system in NSW. Topics include: how to call an ambulance, what Medicare can be used for, how to get medications in Australia, and how to see a specialist. It also describes key health services in NSW, and much more.
You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy
You can have a cervical screening test at any time during pregnancy is a video for women aged 25 years and over who are due for a cervical screening test. Cervical screening saves lives! Talk with your doctor, midwife or nurse if you are due for your cervical screening test.
Perinatal Depression and Anxiety (PNDA)
Information that might be useful to help you identify if you, or someone you know, needs help with mental health and to find treatment options.
There is no place for Domestic and Family Violence in Australia audio and video resources
You have rights. Domestic and family violence is illegal. The law protects everyone, including new migrants and temporary visa holders. Support is available. Talk to a doctor or health worker. We will support you whether you choose to stay in or leave your relationship.