Interpreter Required Card
Use the Interpreter required card to book a professional Interpreter in the hospital.
Know Your Health: Contraceptive options
The 'Know Your Health: Contraceptive options' resource provides an overview of all of the contraceptive options available in Australia, information on how a woman gets pregnant, how contraception works, and a ‘facts about contraception’ section. The factsheet provides an overview of contraceptive options in plain English and uses culturally sensitive images to enhance understanding.The factsheet is suitable for use by clinicians, service providers and community members.
IPTAAS Translated Videos
The Isolated Patients Travel and Accommodation Assistance Scheme (IPTAAS) provides financial assistance to people from regional NSW to access specialised healthcare that is not available locally.
NSW Health Care System Information Booklet
This booklet provides essential information about the public health care system in NSW. Topics include: how to call an ambulance, what Medicare can be used for, how to get medications in Australia, and how to see a specialist. It also describes key health services in NSW, and much more.
Monkeypox (Mpox) - Information for cases fact sheet
This fact sheet is for people who have been diagnosed with mpox (monkeypox) and who have been advised to self-isolate at home.
Urgent Care Services in NSW
An Urgent Care Service is a health service that provides short-term, one-off care for urgent health care needs that are not life-threatening. Urgent Care Services are provided either in-person or virtually (on the phone or by video call). Urgent Care Services in NSW are being delivered through collaboration between Local Health Districts, Primary Health Networks, Specialty Health Networks and local primary care and community care services.
How to Brush
A brochure with brushing instructions and tips. Includes the NSW Public Dental Service contact number.
What to Bring to Hospital when Having a Baby
What to bring to hospital when having a baby details what families need to organise so their partner/ support person feel prepared and are as comfortable as possible for their hospital stay.
A guide to schistosomiasis (bilharzia), an infection caused by small worms living in water in parts of Africa, South East Asia, China, the Middle East and the Caribbean. Incudes information about diagnosis and treatment.
Sickle cell disease
Fact sheet about sickle sell disease, a hereditary disease that affects blood cells causing problems such as anaemia and frequent infections. Includes information about diagnosis and management of the disease.