The Importance of a Healthy Diet
“Healthy Mouth - Something to Smile About” is a multilingual DVD resource which provides culturally and linguistically appropriate oral health information, targeting newly arrived refugees and others of migrant background in NSW. This video about the Importance of a Healthy Diet
Simple information for the patient about the need to eat foods with iron in them.
Kids Don't Fly Poster
Each year, around 50 children fall from windows or balconies. Many suffer serious injuries and some result in deaths. Most of these tragedies occur in children’s own homes.The Kids Don’t Fly publications provide parents and carers with tips on some simple ways to increase window and balcony safety.
Questions and Answers for Contamination of Bindeez TM beads
Information on Contamination of Bindeez TM beads
Interpreter Required Card
Use the Interpreter required card to book a professional Interpreter in the hospital.
The Importance of a Healthy Mouth
“Healthy Mouth - Something to Smile About” is a multilingual DVD resource which provides culturally and linguistically appropriate oral health information, targeting newly arrived refugees and others of migrant background in NSW. This video about the Importance of a health Mouth.
Using the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Kit
"Using the National Bowel Cancer Screening Program Kit" is an educational video resource which explains how to use the bowel screening kit in simple steps.
Kids Don't Fly Check List
Each year, around 50 children fall from windows or balconies. Many suffer serious injuries and some result in deaths. Most of these tragedies occur in children’s own homes. The Kids Don’t Fly publications provide parents and carers with tips on some simple ways to increase window and balcony safety.
School Vaccination Program for Year 7
NSW Health works with schools to offer human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus- pertussis (dTpa) vaccines to Year 7 students in a school-based vaccination program. These vaccines are recommended by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and funded under the National Immunisation Program.
Help for you and your family after disasters
Most people experience acute stress during events of natural disaster or large scale acts of violence, and most manage with courage and strength.