Instructions for Collecting Sputum for Tuberculosis (TB)
Instructions to patients for providing sputum (phlegm) specimens to check for tuberculosis (TB)
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination - Information for Patients
Information about the BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination to help prevent tuberculosis, including who should have the vaccination and who should not, its advantages and disadvantages, and side effects.
Bacille Calmette-Guerin (BCG) pre vaccination checklist and consent
Check list to assess a person's suitability for a BCG vaccination against tuberculosis.
Mosquito borne diseases
Detections of mosquito-borne diseases have been reported in NSW this year. Now that some mosquitoes carry viruses that can make you really sick, it's more important than ever to continue to protect yourself from bites - Spray up, Cover up, Screen up and Clean up! For more information,
Vaccinate on time
Give your baby the best protection. Don’t delay vaccinations.
Tuberculosis fact sheets and patient information in other languages
Information about tuberculosis (TB), including causes, prevention, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment.
Tuberculin Skin Test
Information about the Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) or Mantoux test used to test for tuberculosis.
Peanut allergy fact sheet
Information for parents abour peanut allergy in children.
Measles is about
Health facility posters provided information about measles signs and symptoms and promoted the general public and health care workers to ensure measles cases were quickly identified from other vulnerable persons
Intensive English Centres
NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended for adolescents by the National Health and Medical Research Council in a school vaccination program. Signed parental/guardian consent must be provided.