Contraception: Condoms and Diaphragms
A guide to condoms, female condoms and diaphragms to prevent pregnancy.
How Breastfeeding Works
Fact Sheet about Information on how breastfeeding works, including tips on breastfeeding and how to know if your baby is getting enough milk.
Bladder diary
Summary of the resource: Incontinent pelvic floor patients are asked to complete a bladder diary to assist their physiotherapist devise a treatment plan and monitor their progress. The ‘Bladder Diary’ resource is a form that can be completed for this purpose to monitor fluid intake and urinary output.
Kids Don't Fly Poster
Each year, around 50 children fall from windows or balconies. Many suffer serious injuries and some result in deaths. Most of these tragedies occur in children’s own homes.The Kids Don’t Fly publications provide parents and carers with tips on some simple ways to increase window and balcony safety.
Newborn screening: Tests to protect your baby
Information for parents about routine testing of newborn babies to detect a number of rare disorders.
Instructions for Collecting Sputum for Tuberculosis (TB)
Instructions to patients for providing sputum (phlegm) specimens to check for tuberculosis (TB)
Families & friends affected by the drug or alcohol use of someone close
A booklet to help families and friends of people affected by drug or alcohol abuse.
Interpreter Required Card
Use the Interpreter required card to book a professional Interpreter in the hospital.
BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination - Information for Patients
Information about the BCG (Bacillus Calmette-Guerin) vaccination to help prevent tuberculosis, including who should have the vaccination and who should not, its advantages and disadvantages, and side effects.
Teach your baby to drink from a cup
A guide to help parents to teach their baby to drink from a cup (6 to 18 months)