When to come to hospital in labour
When to Come to Hospital in Labour is essential to ensure women are aware in advance of who to contact, when and why to come to hospital, and the signs of labour. It also provides information to ensure timely access to care, especially if complications arise.
Urgent Care Services in NSW
An Urgent Care Service is a health service that provides short-term, one-off care for urgent health care needs that are not life-threatening. Urgent Care Services are provided either in-person or virtually (on the phone or by video call). Urgent Care Services in NSW are being delivered through collaboration between Local Health Districts, Primary Health Networks, Specialty Health Networks and local primary care and community care services.
It's Not A Disgrace It's Dementia
It's not a disgrace...it's dementia is a short film to raise awareness, reduce stigma and dispel myths about dementia within the Hindi speaking community. The film features carers of people living with dementia giving personal accounts, in their own language, of their experience, along with health professionals who talk about the condition and stress the importance of seeking help early. This film has been produced by Dementia Australia, with thanks to the NSW Government, Family and Community Services. It was produced in partnership with Why Documentaries and the Multicultural Communities Council of the Illawarra.
Relationships 101
It is normal to be interested in intimate relationships. Healthy intimate relationships are pleasurable, fulfilling and fun. But we know that sometimes navigating and making decisions about these relationships can be confusing and challenging. Have a look at these resources and be on your way to healthy, happy and satisfying relationships.
School Vaccination Program for Year 7
NSW Health works with schools to offer human papillomavirus (HPV) and diphtheria-tetanus- pertussis (dTpa) vaccines to Year 7 students in a school-based vaccination program. These vaccines are recommended by the National Health & Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and funded under the National Immunisation Program.
Intensive English Centres
NSW Health offers the vaccines recommended for adolescents by the National Health and Medical Research Council in a school vaccination program. Signed parental/guardian consent must be provided.
Celebrate Culture Through Movement: Every Move Counts
This resource aims to help keep people healthy and well by encouraging people to move their bodies. Every move counts in increasing participation in the recommended levels of physical activity.
Looking after your legs
Practical guide for preventing problems with legs including varicose veins. swelling leg ulcers and blood clots.
Contraception After You Have Had a Baby
Contraception After You Have Had a Baby. This resource summarises options for suitable contraception after giving birth, including suitable options for breastfeeding mothers. Translations of these resources were funded through Multicultural Health Funding Program 2017-2018
What to Bring to Hospital when Having a Baby
What to bring to hospital when having a baby details what families need to organise so their partner/ support person feel prepared and are as comfortable as possible for their hospital stay.